Our Services

Our organization’s ability to handle a wide range of service portfolios is unparalleled. The complete and holistic set of services that LegalMD provides to its members are:

Medico-Legal Consultation

We help our Member Doctors take a stand against Medico-Legal: Claims, Disciplinary Proceedings, Criminal Proceedings and Complaints filed against them. We provide the most robust backing to our members from the Lower Courts to the Supreme Court by providing sound advice from professionals in the field of Medico-Legal.

Customized & Robust Professional Indemnity Cover

We assist our members by getting them the most vigorous & robust coverage in the market with our Professional Indemnity Cover through our expansive network of insurance partners. The Insurance Premium Rates and Coverage are the best in the Indian Market, provide the best AOA AOY, International Patient Coverage, a free BIPD Coverage, is completely transparent with no hidden terms and a whole host of other benefits.

Resolving Issues Before they Reach the Court

Our experience has allowed us to gain a forte in ensuring that a complaint or an issue does not reach the court. Unlike other firms, we help prevent an issue from happening supporting our members from the moment an issue is raised till it’s resolution (preferably without reaching the courts). In 99% of such instances our team ensures the issue is resolved before reaching the courts

Medico Negligence Training

We at LegalMD strongly believe in the preventative value of education and always strive to help members avoid problems and provide the best care to their patients. LegalMD has a wealth of experience and expertise in helping doctors and other healthcare professionals with ethical and legal problems and thus minimizing the possible risks arising from malpractice.

With deep insights into all the Medico Legal processes LegalMD facilitates risk assessments in clinical settings, also offering a range of workshops designed specifically for healthcare professionals.

Compliance & Audit of Critical Documents

Maintaining good clinical records is essential for Doctors to deliver continuity of care. We audit your prescription, consent and undertaking formats (Max: 5 for Individuals & 10 for Hospital Partners). Through this, we would address the importance of good record keeping, as well as outlining the common pitfalls that can lead to complaints, claims or disciplinary action. 

Updates on Latest Trends, Rulings & Cases

We publish a list of Articles and Advices on the Medico-Legal Space on our website. Constant newsletters are sent out to our members informing and updating them about the latest happenings, trends, rulings and cases in the Medico-Legal universe.

Support on other Legal Issues (Add. Cost)

You never know the kind of issues you face in your practice. So that you focus on your medical practice, LegalMD shall leverage the experience of the best doctors and lawyers who form our core team to provide the best advice to the organization and even on individual cases. We also have a 24/7 Medico Legal advisory service to address any queries put forward by our members and help them get an update on individual cases as well. We have annual packages for this service or a one time additional fee. We become a one stop solution to all your legal issues.

Comparison of Our Services

Feature ComparisonLegalMDOthersBenefits to Medical Center& Nursing Homes
LegalMD has now partnered exclusively with DMA (NH & ME)& many other associationsDue Diligence conducted on our Services monthly by the Association Management TeamsNo other such Partnership ExistsMonthly Review on our Services by DMA and adaptability through the feedback.
OfficesHead Office in Delhi and Other Offices in Mumbai and Bangalore.Lack Basic FacilitiesAllow Members full access to meet the Team in Person. Specially during Issues.
Legal Term ExpertiseDr. Arun Mishra (P.G in Medicine and Law) heading team of Medico Legal Lawyers.Basic Lawyers who do not have technical expertise. Take action only when case is filed and lawyers abscond. Doctor stuck with them for years.Have handled 8000+ Medico Legal Issues, less than 2% reaching court. We step in before the issue reaches court.
Insurance PolicyNew Age Policy Customised for LegalMD Members by New India & IFFCO TOKIOUsing Old Policies with many hidden terms which get serious when a ruling is against a Doctor.The most robust policy is available for our Members. We provide coverage where other policies fail.
Out of Court SettlementUpto 50% of Total Coverage Payable like this. We have this built into our policyDon’t have this as Lawyer and other operators benefit from issue moving to court.Most Issues can be handled out of court. Our Team insures that.
Worldwide Patient CoverageImportant Inclusion provided for the New Age DoctorMost Policies do not have this CoverageIt helps in handling International Patients treated by our Doctors
Lowest RatesOur Rates are transparent and have been Vetted by industry expertsMany Direct and Indirect CostsOur Simple Policy gives you the lowest rate with the least terms
Insurance CoverageWe offer coverage upto 30 Cr.No Coverage beyond 1 CrClaim amounts by patients have no limit. Our Members can take the most coverage possible
Coverage for Visiting Doctors, Proprietors or Partnership Clinics, Attendant, Other StaffOnly at 5% extra, everyone is covered, including visiting doctorsHigher Insurance Costs and Terms lead to this becoming expensiveAllows full coverage for our members. As case might be filed against Doctor, Management or Staff
All Specialisations, Cosmetic, Radioactive Treatments etc. CoveredSpecially designed PI Policy; 1st time in India a policy made exclusively for Labs & IVFHave no such policy and have hidden terms excluding any critical treatmentWe offer our Members a robust coverage with no hidden terms or condition.
Compliance & Audit of DocumentationPreventive Support of Auditing all patients related document formatsNo one offers this.Documentation plays a Vital role in managing any MLC for a doctor
Free BIPD CoverageOnly given by LegalMDNo one offers this.Covers issues of injury to Patients due to accident during a visit. (Non –Medico Legal)

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