About Us

What do we stand for:

The foundation stone of LegalMD was laid with the credo “Stronger Together”. Mainly suggesting that when we work together, we will be stronger together.

The Management Team has years of experience in understanding the Doctor Mind-Set. And with this extensive experience, the team has launched this comprehensive service to ensure that the Doctor doesn’t have to worry about anything further than running his practice.

Our research in the recent past has shown that with increased consumer awareness, active media, and lesser time to build a relationship with the patient the number of issues against doctors are on a rise.

  • More than 200% increase annually on cases reaching the courts.
  • More than 340% increase in escalations against doctors.
  • Court convictions against the doctors on a rise, mainly due to poor technical support (lack of forensic and medico-legal expertise).
  • No true professional firm is supporting the doctor end to end.

Our Approach

Governed by the single-minded vision of creating a pro-doctor ecosystem that allows doctors to focus on their “Hippocratic Oath” rather than be worried about the possible ramifications of medical decisions/calls we aim:

Management and Experience: LegalMD brings in decades of experience in handling Doctors. Unlike other Legal Firms in similar business, we work as true partners, wherein our team believes in explaining the true benefits of our bundled product, transparently sharing the inclusions and exclusions of our offerings, providing multiple payment options and above all stay in regular touch across the year as true relationship managers.

Legal Team: Having handled more than 8000 medical legal cases, our team brings in an approach differentiated from anyone else. ‘Our Uniqueness’:

  • Unlike other players our approach is to resolve the issue you face before it reaches the courts.
  • This is done by ensuring the documentation you do today is well defined and audited by us, so that no issue can ever become big and threatening.
  • In case an issue does come, just inform us immediately. We will hold hands and guide you on how to handle any authorities (including police), MCI, Mobs, Media and others.
  • We then coordinate with all, well on time and try and resolve issue before it reaches the courts.
  • Our out of court settlement insurance policy that we bundle along, helps you resolve most of the cases within first few days of the issue getting raised.
  • And if a case does go to the court, our experience is such that we have been successful in 95%+ of our cases

Insurance Offering: Our insurance partners have helped us design one of the most comprehensive and cost effective policy. We took months to design this with them just to ensure our partners get a modern state of the art insurance coverage.

Unlike other Insurance offerings with many hidden terms, this well designed policy helps you also take care of claims from International Patients, Out of Court Settlements, Cash-Less Legal Fee Protection, Low Rates, Covering all Fields of Medicine (including Alternate Fields), has options to cover your staff and many other distinct features.

PR Support: When issues become serious, the media can be nasty, the neighborhood may talk, your fraternity would become your foes. Its at this time that our PR Firm plays a critical role to ensure that you are well equipped to handle media, forums and above all bring in timely news about you and help change a negative scenario in your favor again.

Documentation Compliance & Audit of the way you currently handle your patients: International learnings and our real life court experience has given us ample knowledge to make you understand the criticality of well drafted patient undertakings, procedure record keeping and many other aspects of your practice. We are the only company which helps you get guided at the right time. Others wait for an issue, we help you to never face one!

Trainings & Intelligence Sharing: We have identified some of the finest names in the industry, including those on our Board, who shall be bringing to you insights on how to protect yourself against MLC, give regular updates on case types, rulings, tips which are both preventative and otherwise.

Hence we truly say that we are ‘Stronger Together

By achieving the perfect balance between all critical ingredients required to ensure you, your reputation and your practice stays safe, we are well adept & equipped to handle:

  • All type of cases of Medico-Legal Nature, for all specializations type
  • Round the clock online help – 24*7*365 days

Contest large number of Cases with the Utmost Secrecy in various courts of India.

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